Copyright (C) 2024 Meteodat GmbH
Data licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Funded currently or in the past by
  * Meteodat GmbH
  * Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG (AXPO and Kt. Glarus)

Steinegger, Urs; Rohrer, Mario; Schwarb, Manfred; Lorenzi, Daniela; Nötzli,
Christian; Schauwecker, Simone; Stüssi, Kurt; Zweifel, Heinrich (2024).
Precipitation of totalizer gauges in the Limmern area owned by Meteodat,
status 2024-04-18; Zenodo.

Winter (October-April), summer (May-September) and annual precipitation [mm]
for the totalizer
    3095  Fridolinshütten    715243/186482  [8.94887°E/46.81951°N]  2119masl

date    winter  summer  hydrological year
1963/64  990     861    1851
1964/65 1067    1378    2445
1965/66 1137    1086    2223
1966/67 1400    1082    2482
1967/68 1172    1207    2379
1968/69  857     999    1856
1969/70 1318    1020    2338
1970/71  934     884    1818
1971/72  635     917    1552
1972/73  751    1117    1868
1973/74  922     996    1918
1974/75 1500     926    2426
1975/76  687     834    1521
1976/77 1396    1138    2534
1977/78 1211    1065    2276
1978/79  867     936    1803
1979/80 1225     870    2095
1980/81 1030    1372    2402
1981/82 1073     975    2048
1982/83  923    1031    1954
1983/84  892     978    1870
1984/85  880     940    1820
1985/86  820    1070    1890
1986/87  955    1325    2280
1987/88 1075     915    1990
1988/89 1160     820    1980
1989/90  860     895    1755
1990/91  995    1050    2045
1991/92 1120     790    1910
1992/93  850    1200    2050
1993/94 1535    1045    2580
1994/95 1220    1100    2320
1995/96  515    1210    1725
1996/97 1005    1090    2095
1997/98 1080    1130    2210
1998/99 1355    1285    2640
1999/00 1215     989    2204
2000/01    -       -    2367
2001/02    -       -    1980
2002/03 1212     684    1896
2003/04 1047    1176    2223
2004/05    -       -    1822
2005/06  706    1067    1773
2006/07  702    1489    2191
2007/08 1077    1191    2268
2008/09 1319     927    2246
2009/10  807    1408    2215
2010/11  619    1139    1758
2011/12 1169    1281    2450
2012/13 1193    1206    2399
2013/14 1422    1087    2509
2014/15 1201    1023    2224
2015/16  949    1181    2130
2016/17 1094    1142    2236
2017/18 1252     709    1961
2018/19 1237    1122    2359
2019/20    -       -    2291
2020/21    -       -    2725
2021/22    -       -    1703
2022/23    -       -    1921