Copyright (C) 2024 Meteodat GmbH
Data licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Funded currently or in the past by
  * Meteodat GmbH
  * Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG (AXPO and Kt. Glarus)

Steinegger, Urs; Rohrer, Mario; Schwarb, Manfred; Lorenzi, Daniela; Nötzli,
Christian; Schauwecker, Simone; Stüssi, Kurt; Zweifel, Heinrich (2024).
Precipitation of totalizer gauges in the Limmern area owned by Meteodat,
status 2024-04-18; Zenodo.

Winter (October-April), summer (May-September) and annual precipitation [mm]
for the totalizer
    3135  Tierälpli          708155/190262  [8.85690°E/46.85469°N]  2352masl

date    winter  summer  hydrological year
1963/64  784    1104    1888
1964/65 1234    1525    2759
1965/66 1282    1220    2502
1966/67 1512    1138    2650
1967/68 1305    1307    2612
1968/69  904    1199    2103
1969/70 1381    1267    2648
1970/71  842    1141    1983
1971/72  574    1024    1598
1972/73  947    1148    2095
1973/74 1272    1158    2430
1974/75 1561    1098    2659
1975/76  750    1055    1805
1976/77 1399    1307    2706
1977/78 1444    1225    2669
1978/79  914     939    1853
1979/80 1468    1052    2520
1980/81 1288    1539    2827
1981/82 1384    1178    2562
1982/83 1167    1056    2223
1983/84 1116    1249    2365
1984/85  930    1210    2140
1985/86 1055    1020    2075
1986/87 1200    1470    2670
1987/88 1400     980    2380
1988/89 1170     990    2160
1989/90 1080    1060    2140
1990/91  920    1210    2130
1991/92 1380     910    2290
1992/93 1115    1440    2555
1993/94 1500    1240    2740
1994/95 1410    1230    2640
1995/96  625    1410    2035
1996/97 1155    1310    2465
1997/98 1030    1400    2430
1998/99 1640    1355    2995
1999/00 1360    1295    2655
2000/01    -       -    2798
2001/02    -       -    2330
2002/03    -       -    2149
2003/04    -       -    2409
2004/05    -       -    2283
2005/06    -       -    2288
2006/07    -       -    2399
2007/08    -       -    2524
2008/09    -       -    2365
2009/10    -       -    2562
2010/11    -       -    1943
2011/12    -       -    2848
2012/13    -       -    2643
2013/14    -       -    2646
2014/15    -       -    2391
2015/16    -       -    2495
2016/17    -       -    2523
2017/18    -       -    2322
2018/19    -       -    2670
2019/20    -       -    2672
2020/21    -       -    2861
2021/22    -       -    2101
2022/23    -       -    2361