Meteodat GmbH


Snowpack, Glacier and River Discharge and Flood Forecasting

Missing (in-situ) snow cover data hampers climate change and runoff studies in the Greater Himalayas. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.056
Glacier changes and climate trends derived from multiple sources in the data scarce Cordillera Vilcanota region, Southern Peruvian Andes. doi:10.5194/tcd-6-387-2012
Meteorological principles and Possibilities of Flood Forecastings in the Valais Canton (in German). ISBN 3-9521713-0-1
Flood Warnings for the Valais Canton (Paper in "Wasser, Energie, Luft", in German)
Areal melt and discharge modelling of Storglaciären, Sweden
Measurement and Simulation of High Alpine Water Balance Components in the Linth-Limmern Head Watershed (North-Eastern Switzerland)
Determination of the transition air temperature from snow to rain and intensity of precipitation. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3397.5280

Projects & Activities
Warning Systems
Risk Management
Inflow Forecasts
Load Forecasts
Meteogram for Zürich
Wind Gust forecast
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History of our Company
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Meteodat GmbH is a spin-off of the ETH Zürich. Contact:
             info (REPLACE_WITH_@) meteodat (REPLACE_WITH_DOT) ch --